Author: Of 16 books including ... "To My Son" and "To My Daughter"
Forerunner: In the Prophetic Entrepreneur Movement
Heather Ferrante
Founder: Truth, Lies, & Lattes
Author: The Happy Place
Passionate Kingdom Lifestyle & Beauty Influencer
Creative Consultant
Discover What Has Hundreds of People
Raving About Keith & Heather and Their Prophetic Movement
Meet Your Guests
Kris Vallotton
An author, international speaker, culture leader, and most of all, a spiritual father to this generation.
Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California and co-founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) and Moral Revolution, Kris has helped thousands of Believers over the last 20 years realize their identity as sons and daughters of God.
Bestselling author, having written more than a dozen books and training manuals to help prepare believers for life in the kingdom.
Danny Silk
An author and speaker, Danny Silk offers life-changing books, conferences, and other resources drawn from decades of experience as a counselor, social worker, advocate, pastor, spouse, parent, grandparent, and leader.
The President and Co-Founder of Loving on Purpose, a ministry to families and communities worldwide.
Danny’s passion centers around helping people build, strengthen, and heal their vital relationships.
Georgian Banov
Founder: Global Celebration
Travels extensively conducting revival meetings and conferences worldwide. He has a strong anointing and tangible sense of the presence of God during his exuberant, joyful praise and deep, intimate worship.
Georgian delivers a powerful message to the Body of Christ based on fresh revelations from the Epistles of Paul. His presentation of the Gospel is with rare clarity and depth causing changed lives, healing and freedom from the past and religious bondages.
Rick Pino
Founder: The Heart of David Movement, a modern day "Tabernacle of David" The HOD community is passionate about seeing Jesus glorified through day and night worship that leads to societal transformation in our city, region and in the nations of the earth
For the past 13 years, Rick has been calling people to lives of radical love and devotion to Jesus through his worship albums as well as his extensive touring. His music is known for being intimate, prophetic, joyful, and militant.
Pedro Adao
Founder: 100x the #1 Community and Training Program for Kingdom Entrepreneurs
8 Figure Kingdom Entrepreneur
Recognized Marketing Industry Expert: Creator of Crush It With Challenges and the Go-To Industry Expert In Challenge Marketing
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Want to catch the impartation we caught from leaders who's primary focus is to bring today's world
back to God's design.
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